Mabo E&A uses different types of navigation based on your needs. Some examples are: induction navigation, magnetic navigation, optical navigation, laser navigation, GPS/RTK, UWB, natural navigation, vision guided, ...
Mabo E&A uses different types of navigation based on your needs. Some examples are: induction navigation, magnetic navigation, optical navigation, laser navigation, GPS/RTK, UWB, natural navigation, vision guided, ...
Battery technology
At Mabo E&A, we use different forms of batteries according to the situation. Some examples include: Lithium batteries, lead acid batteries, Nikklecadmium batteries and ThinPureLead batteries.
Safety technology
360° Safety scanners provide optimal security. Based on 3-fields, the AGV will first sense the person or object, then it will slow down. Once the person or object is detected in the inner circle, the AGV will stop completely.
Mabo AGV Master
The central software of the Mabo AGV system. The link between the AGVs and the environment. The integrated web server enables 24/7 remote support. Multiple AGVs can also be added within the same licence.